Optimization with Component Intersections


This tutorial is provided as a reference only. DVGeoMulti, the underlying code, is a research code. As such, it is highly experimental and support for it is not guaranteed.


This is a tutorial for generating collar meshes and performing aerodynamic shape optimization with component intersections. We use the DLR-F6 configuration as the example case.


DLR-F6 configuration

This tutorial requires pySurf in addition to the standard MACH-Aero modules. Before getting started, download the input files by running:


Directory Structure

|   |-- cfd
|       |-- dlr-f6_vol.cgns
|   |-- ffd
|       |-- dlr-f6_fuse.xyz
|       |-- dlr-f6_wing.xyz
|   |-- tri
|       |-- dlr-f6_fuse.cgns
|       |-- dlr-f6_wing.cgns
|   |-- setup_aeroproblem.py
|   |-- setup_adflow.py
|   |-- setup_dvgeo.py
|   |-- setup_dvcon.py
|   |-- setup_idwarp.py
|-- aero_opt.py
|-- aero_run.py
|-- get-input-files.sh
|-- meshing
|   |-- surface
|       |-- dlr-f6_fuse.cgns
|       |-- dlr-f6_wing.cgns
|       |-- dlr-f6_fuse.igs
|       |-- dlr-f6_wing.igs
|       |-- dlr-f6_fuse.tin
|       |-- dlr-f6_wing.tin
|   |-- volume
|       |-- collar_surf.cgns
|       |-- run_pyhyp.py